The Circle of Love
The journey of the triptych named The Circle of Love.
I usually start with Black Gesso on panels and then begin laying some whites. I don't usually know where the paintings are going at this point.
For this piece I began with two panels and had one waiting on the side. I then added colour. Brilliant yellow and Ultramarine blue. I am still just laying down a base coat. This is how all my natural pigment pieces begin.
Small amounts of Mayan red are showing up and creating a marvelous warm pink when mixed with white. The yellow and blue also become more vivid.
I then took a lot of titanium white and scraped it up, down and side to side on the pieces. Here, the colour starts to really meld together.
I then start to scrape back through the layers. This part is a lot of fun and reveals the nature of the piece within.

Bringing love and light.